Danby Township
Ionia County
Board of Review
The members are:
Jennifer Brown
The Danby Township Board of Review currently needs 2 more members - if interested please call Supervisor Dan Platte at 517-994-8086. The terms are for two years. A real estate or assessing background is helpful.
The March Board of Review (BOR) is for property owners to appeal their February tax assessments. The Board of Review meets on the second Monday in March for the purpose of hearing taxpayer appeals. The March Board of Review has authority to change the current year’s assessments.
Every person who makes a request, protest, or application to the March Board of Review must be notified in writing of the Board of Review’s action and information regarding the right of further appeal, not later than the first Monday in June. Denials of a petition can be further appealed to the State Tax Tribunal.
The July and December Boards of Review meet to correct qualified errors and to consider appeals related to Principal Residence Exemptions, Qualified Agricultural Exemptions, Taxable Value uncapping, the Qualified Start-up Business Exemption, the Disabled Veteran’s Exemption and Poverty Exemptions.